Santa Clarita Artists Association member Jamie Santellano will present her solo exhibition, “Nocturnal’s Tale,” Nov. 1-3 at the SCAA Gallery, 22508 Sixth St., Old Town Newhall, CA 91321.

Nov. 1-3: ‘Nocturnal’s Tale’ Solo Art Show at SCAA Gallery

“Love Line Premium Liquors,” the exclusive collection of wine and spirits from the Valencia based, Princess Cruises, created and curated by creative, celebrity partners is adding a little more sparkle to the line-up with delicious drinks from Betty Booze and Betty Buzz, founded by actor and entrepreneur Blake Lively.

Blake Lively’s Betty Booze and Betty Buzz Join Princess Cruises’ ‘Love Line Premium Liquors’ Collection

At the Oct. 22, City Council meeting, the City Council adopted a resolution to support the city of Santa Clarita’s efforts to be designated as a Clean California Community.

City of Santa Adopts Resolution to Become A Clean California Community

California State University, Northridge will celebrate Africana Studies Week beginning Nov. 1, with a special plaque commemoration of the founding faculty of the department, and will culminate the celebration on Nov. 4 with a lecture and alumni panel discussion. 

Nov.1: Africana Studies Week 2024 Honors Program’s Legacy

The community is invited to Carousel Ranch on Saturday, Oct. 26 for a tour and open house highlighting the Ready to Work program, a vocational training program for young adults with special needs.

Oct. 26: Carousel Ranch Ready to Work Program Hosts Open House

Valencia High School’s Marching Band and Color Guard announced that the Pride of the Vikings received top honors at the 28th Annual Moorpark High School Battle of the Bands field tournament held in Moorpark on Saturday, Oct. 19.

Valencia High Marching Band, Color Guard Receive Top Honors

1888 – 8:15 a.m.: Newhall’s luxurious Southern Hotel burns to the ground [story]

Southern Hotel

The Sun Princess, the newest, next-level Love Boat from Princess Cruises, headedquartered in Valencia, has debuted in North America, arriving in Ft. Lauderdale after a successful inaugural Mediterranean season.

Newest Love Boat Sun Princess Makes North American Debut

Assemblywoman Pilar Schiavo, joined by 15 Assemblymembers and state Senators. has issued a formal request to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, calling for an immediate State of Emergency declaration in response to the ongoing public health disaster caused by the underground chemical fire at the Chiquita Canyon Landfill.

Legislators Urge Supes to Declare State of Emergency for Chiquita Landfill Crisis

Get ready to travel back in time as the city of Santa Clarita, in partnership with Trammel Crow Company, breaks ground on the Pioneer Oil Refinery historical site, located on the corner of Needham Ranch Parkway and Pioneer Way, on Tuesday, Oct.29 at 10 a.m.

Oct. 29: City to Begin Construction on 39th Park

College of the Canyons sophomore music student Brooke Bailey was on her way to school one morning when she received a phone call that would change her life.

COC Music Student Appears on America’s Got Talent

The 29th annual River Rally Cleanup and Environmental Expo, hosted on Saturday, Sept. 21, welcomed a total 1,189 participants from the community.

Annual River Rally Cleanup Welcomed More Than 1,000 Volunteers

The Santa Clarita Valley Chamber of Commerce has been honored as one of the 2024 Diversity, Equity + Inclusion Leaders of Influence by the Los Angeles Business Journal’s Inside The Valley magazine.

SCV Chamber Named 2024 Diversity Leader by Inside The Valley Magazine

Mrs. Fields, the iconic brand known for its soft, fresh-baked cookies and sweet treats, has announced the grand opening of its newest location in Santa Clarita. The new store, located at the Valencia Town Center Mall at 24201 Valencia Blvd., opened to the public on Oct. 9.

Oct. 26: Grand Opening for Mrs. Fields at Valencia Town Center

Did you know that the Santa Clarita Public Library offers passport acceptance services? Whether you’re planning a vacation, studying abroad or reconnecting with family, the Library is here to support your journey.

Passport Services at Santa Clarita Public Library

Three different players had double-digit kill totals as The Master’s women’s volleyball team defeated the Hope International Royals 25-23, 26-28, 27-25, 25-18 Friday, Oct. 18 in Fullerton.

TMU Women’s Volleyball Gets a Regal Win Over Royals

College of the Canyons men’s cross country competed at the annual Mt. San Antonio College Invitational on Friday, Oct. 18, running to a ninth-place finish in its final tune-up before the upcoming conference championship meet.

COC Men’s XC Finishes Ninth at Mt. SAC Invitational

The Child & Family Center, in partnership with First Presbyterian Church of Newhall will present “Empowered Families Workshops,” a series of three presentations for parents and caregivers presented by professionals from the Child & Family Center Prevention and Outreach team.

Child & Family Offers Empowered Families Workshops

1898 – Birth of Mary S. Ruiz, eldest child of Enrique & Rosaria Ruiz of San Francisquito Canyon; all died in 1928 dam disaster [cemetery census]

grave markers

The city of Santa Clarita is hosting Make A Difference Day on Saturday, Oct. 26, and is looking for residents to volunteer for various projects that benefit local nonprofits, as well as the city.

Oct. 26: Volunteers Still Needed for Make a Difference Day

When the Valencia Vikings entered Foothill League play, the football team had compiled a dismal 0-4 preseason record. Though Valencia had faced some stiff competition, that record did not inspire optimism for foothill league. However, with win after win in league, the team now has an overall record of 4-4 and a sparkling league record of 4-0.

Valencia Football Rises to Top of Foothill League

Voting for open Santa Clarita City Council seats will look different this year.

Ken Striplin | Vote Santa Clarita

The city of Santa Clarita will hold Spooktacular Community Hike Saturday, Oct. 26, at 9 a.m. at Whitney Canyon, 20303 Newhall Ave., Santa Clarita, 91321.

Oct. 26: Santa Clarita Spooktacular Community Hike

Los Angeles County Parks this Halloween season will be transformed into haunted houses and Trick or Treat Villages.

L.A. County Parks Trick or Treat Villages

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