An artist who recently exhibited her work at Emerald Frames & Gallery in Chalfont St Peter is now the artist in residence at a London hotel.

Between Saturday, September 21, and Saturday, October 12, Josie Clouting shared her solo Storytellers exhibition at the gallery, which included a range of oil paintings and mono prints focused on trees.

One of the pictures included an ink drawing of a ‘Big Belly Oak’ and a sketch Josie made on a visit to Savernake Forest in Wiltshire.

Speaking to CHALFONTS&GERRARDSCROSSnews, Josie shared: “There is a feeling of awe and hope in the presence of old trees, knowing they can live on for hundreds of years. Their gnarled branches and weathered bark are a reminder of the history of the landscape.”

Now, Josie is an artist in residence at the Bankside Hotel in London, which is dedicated to supporting emerging artists.

Josie said: “I am using my time at the residency to explore the ways in which we connect to the landscape, and how and why we value wild places. Through this exploration, I aim to create a sacred space in the heart of the city – one that evokes the feeling of stepping into a serene landscape.”

She is inviting residents to send a photograph of their favourite wild place which she will turn into a small watercolour painting.

Josie’s work will be displayed at the hotel until Sunday, December 15. Opening hours vary. Find out more at

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