The City of Bloomington Volunteer Network provides information about volunteering locally. For a complete listing, visit BloomingtonVolunteerNetwork.org or call 812-349-3433. The inclusion of an organization in this list does not imply City endorsement or support of the organization’s activities or policies. Information and registration links for the following opportunities can be found online at BloomingtonVolunteerNetwork.org.
Will Detmer Garden Weed Wrangle
Join Monroe County Parks and Recreation from 1 to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 19, to take out some Asian bush honeysuckle and other invasive shrubs at Will Detmer Park! This 18-acre park, located at 4140 W. Vernal Pike in Bloomington, has relatively few invasive species and you can help knock them out before they get worse. Volunteers will meet at 1 p.m. at the chain-link gate to the community garden, around which you will be working. Please wear long sleeves and pants, closed-toe shoes, and bring a water bottle. This is a family friendly opportunity. Sign up today at https://tinyurl.com/will-detmer-weed-wrangle. For questions or assistance contact Jacob Trusty at jtrusty@co.monroe.in.us or 812-349-2805.
Gallery preparator intern/volunteer
Stone Belt Arc is a service provider for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities. One of their services is the art studio where instructors empower artists with disabilities to grow their skills, create art, and then sell that artwork. Intern volunteers are needed to help the Stone Belt arts instructors and development manager to assist planning and preparing art gallery openings. Tasks include, selecting and framing artwork, and helping with all needs at art event functions. If volunteers have strong design or organization skills, they may be asked to help plan and publicize Stone Belt’s arts programs and gallery openings. Volunteers with website management experience would be great, as they are hoping to launch an online store to sell artists’ work. All proceeds from sales go to the artists. While this is a year-long need, they don’t necessarily need a year-long commitment. They are looking for volunteers that can commit 5 hours per week minimum. Volunteers with experience with art shows, working with galleries and framing are preferred. Learn more at https://tinyurl.com/gallery-preparator. For additional information, contact Rev. Sarah McKenney at 812-332-2168, ext. 153, or smckenney@stonebelt.org.
Boys & Girls Club volunteer opportunities
Fall is a busy time of year for the Boys & Girls Club of Bloomington (BGCB), and they need a variety of volunteers to help with several ongoing programs and upcoming events. Ongoing opportunities include flag football volunteers, photography volunteers, music makers volunteers, ukulele instructors, guest performers, club tutors, and basketball volunteers. The Boys & Girls club needs lots of volunteers to assist with their upcoming events, the Fall Ball on Nov. 2, Camp Rock Fall Clean Up Day on Nov. 9, Hoops Hysteria on Nov. 16, and Thanksgiving Dinner on Nov. 21. Visit the BGCB organization page, scroll through their needs and sign up today at https://tinyurl.com/BGCB-opportunities-and-events. Questions? Contact Courtney Payne-Taylor at 812-322-5254 or cpayne@bgcbloomington.org.
Wish List Spotlight
Goat Conspiracy Wish List
The Goat Conspiracy began as a small, local sustainably oriented farm and creamery. After almost a decade of working the farm, they began to understand gaps that could not be closed with respect to sustainability and animal welfare. In the winter of 2024, they began their “transformation” into a goat and chicken sanctuary/retirement home for their goats and chickens. Donations directly benefit the sanctuary and its animals.
Donations: can be made at 6030 E. Kent Road, Bloomington, IN 47401
Contact: Alex Valdez at 424-230-2906 or info@thegoatconspiracy.org
Featured Wishes: plywood, lumber, screws, bales of hay, bales of straw, gravel scrap, hunks of stone or concrete, and more
View Current Wish List: https://tinyurl.com/goat-conspiracy-wish-list
You can find current in-kind material needs on the year-round Community Wish List at bloomingtonvolunteernetwork.org/communitywishlist.