Willmar Public Library calls for scary story submissions

WILLMAR — The Willmar Public Library invites the public to submit their original scary short stories. The contest is open to all age ranges, though age determines how long the story can be.

For participants 12 and younger, entries can be up to 500 words; teens ages 13-18 may submit up to 2500 words; and adults may submit up to 5000 words.

All participants must register online at the library’s website for their work to be considered in the contest. Full rules and requirements are on the registration page, located at


Entries will be accepted through Oct. 31.

Barn Theatre to host ‘Holiday Cheer’ exhibit

WILLMAR — “Holiday Cheer” is the theme of the Willmar Area Arts Council invitational art exhibit that will coincide with the production of “Fruitcakes!” at The Barn Theatre. The musical runs Dec. 5-15. Artwork must be turned in by noon Dec. 2.

All mediums are accepted, and all 2D artwork must be ready to hang with a wire. Artists may submit up to three pieces. There is a $5 entry fee per piece, $7 for non-members.

The public can vote for their favorite entry. The winning artist receives $50.

The Barn is open Wednesday through Friday. Call the WAAC with questions at 320-235-8560, or email



Youth invited to enter creative writing contest

MARSHALL — The Southwest West Central Service Cooperative invites students in grades 3-12 to enter the 21st annual SWWC creative writing contest, which designed to encourage students to improve their writing.

Students must live in Minnesota regions 6 and 8, which includes students in Big Stone, Chippewa, Cottonwood, Jackson, Kandiyohi, Lac qui Parle, Lincoln, Lyon, McLeod, Meeker, Murray, Nobles, Pipestone, Redwood, Renville, Rock, Swift and Yellow Medicine counties.

The top three entries in each category and each grade group will receive recognition at the ceremony. Winning students in grades 11 and 12 are eligible to receive one $2,000 Creative Writing Scholarship per year. Gift certificates are awarded to the first-place finishers for each category and each grade level.

Entries must be the student’s original work and previously unpublished. Entries must be submitted using the SWWC online entry form; no in-person entries will be accepted.

  • Poetry (grades 3-12); $5 per 3 poems
  • Fiction (grades 3-12); $5 each
  • Nonfiction (grades 5-12); $5 each

Students can enter one category or all three; up to three per category. Entries are judged in grades groups of 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 and 11-12 for each category. Submissions are due Jan. 17, 2025.

For rules and more information, visit


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